Categories and Terms of Membership
Categories & Terms of Membership
There are two categories of membership on the Graduate Faculty:
Click here to view Criteria for Full Membership on the Graduate Faculty. Graduate Faculty holding Full Memberships Status serve an initial 5-year term and are eligible for reappointment for subsequent 5-year terms. Deadline to apply is in September for fall and February for spring.
Click here to view application procedures for Temporary Graduate Faculty Status. Temporary Graduate Faculty Members may be appointed to a 3 year term. Faculty are appointed to this status when there is no tenure track Full or Associate Graduate Faculty Member available to teach a graduate course, or a faculty member is brand new to the university and needs time to build credentials, or they serve on thesis or dissertation committees. There is no set deadline to apply for temp status - one can apply at any point in any semester.
Graduate Faculty Status Exemption for Department Heads and Associate Deans
Procedure to appoint department heads and associate deans as memebers of the Graduate Faculty.
I. Newly hired or newly appointed department heads or associate deans who meet the following qualifications/guidelines will be granted full graduate faculty status upon the recommendation of their supervisor:
Heads an academic department or serves as an associate dean in a department or college that has a graduate program/s; and
Taught a graduate class within the last 3 years or has commensurate experience in graduate program/s
II. Interim department heads or interim associate deans asked to lead a department/college that includes one or more graduate programs will be granted temporary graduate faculty status if they do not currently have full graduate faculty status.
III. The department head or associate dean's direct supervisor should submit a memo requesting this exemption along with a vita to the Graduate School.
IV. The Graduate Faculty membership sub-Committee will review the appointment request and recommend a department head or associate dean for the appropriate level of graduate faculty status based on the qualifications/guidelines in Article I above.
V. The Associate Provost for Graduate Studies and Research is authorized to renew the status for qualified, incumbent department heads or associate deans when their status expires.
VI. Department heads or associate deans who step down from the role will maintain full graduate faculty status for an additioinal two years. After that two-year extension, the former department head or associate dean will need to reapply for either full or temporary graduate faculty status.
VII. Graduate Program coordinators, graduate program chairs, graduate program directors, and assistant/associate department heads are not included in this exemption.
Approved by the Graduate Executive Committee: February 16, 2023
The Graduate School
Converse Hall
Suite 3100
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA. 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5694
- Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday: 8 AM - 3 PM