Grants Submission Timeline
OSPRA is committed to providing the very best service possible to assist faculty, students and staff in the preparation of grant proposals.
***NOTE: All grant proposals are required to be submitted by The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Administration on behalf of VSU unless other arrangements are made with OSPRA.
As some submission platforms are more intensive and require more documentation than others, all proposal documents must be submitted to OSPRA in final format 5-7 business days prior to the submission deadline.
The services provided by OSPRA are based on the timing of receipt of proposal documents.
Drafts received 30 days prior to submission:
- Timeline Development for proposal completion
- Review and comparison of sponsor proposal guidelines
- Budget development
- Narrative and additional document revisions and edits
- Assistance with obtaining support letters
- Send proposal pack to PI for final review
- Submission of the final version
- Submission of any updates required or allowed by the sponsor
Drafts received 10 days prior to submission:
- Editing support to include punctuation, spelling and readability
- Budget development to include relevance to project description, salaries, fringe, supplies, equipment, travel etc.
- Comparison of proposal with sponsor’s guidelines to include forms, formatting and sponsor proposal checklist
- Send proposal pack to PI for final review
- Final review of documents and submission
Drafts received 5 days prior to submission:
- Editing support to include punctuation, spelling and readability
- Comparison of proposal with sponsor’s guidelines to include forms, formatting and sponsor proposal checklist
- Budget review
Drafts received less than 72 hours prior to submission deadline:
- Pre-award team will review (if time permits) and submit the proposal but cannot ensure successful submission of the proposal
Sponsored Programs and Research Administration
Converse Building
(formerly Psychology Building)
Suite 3100
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA. 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA 31698 - OSPRA Main (Calls will be returned within 24 hours)
- Phone: 229.249.2614
- Fax: 229.245.3853
Monday-Thursday: 8 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday: 8 AM - 3 PM