Fines & Fees Policy
Policies for current students, faculty, and staff (referred to as “patrons”)
Odum Library Fines/Fees
Fines/Fees can be paid at the Main Circulation desk with either cash or check. No bills larger than five dollars can be changed after 4:00 pm.
Lost Book Fines & Banner Holds
Patrons are responsible for all materials checked out to their library account and will be fined a replacement cost for lost books. Books are automatically declared lost 28 days after the due date. At 40 days overdue a Banner hold is placed on the patron’s account. This hold will block registration for classes, graduation, etc. Patrons may return the Lost item(s) to clear the Banner hold and waive library fees, at any point prior to the overdue item(s) going to permanently Lost status. Alternatively, patrons can pay the replacement cost to clear the Banner hold and library account.
Permanently Lost Items & Banner Holds
Any items more than 107 days overdue are considered permanently Lost. Patrons are responsible for the replacement cost and must pay the Lost fine to clear their Banner hold and library account. Once the overdue item is considered permanently Lost, patrons cannot return the Lost item to waive the replacement cost.
Damaged Items & Banner Holds
When items are returned damaged or in an unusable condition, the patron will be fined for the replacement cost of the item and Banner hold placed on their account. Patrons must pay the replacement cost to clear the Banner hold and their library account.
GIL Express
Patrons are responsible for all materials checked out from other USG libraries and will be fined a replacement cost for lost books. After Odum library receives and pays an invoice to the lending library for lost books, Odum library will place a Banner hold for the replacement cost on the patron’s account as well as adding the replacement cost to their library account. Patrons must pay the replacement costs of lost GIL Express books to clear their Banner hold and library account.
Interlibrary Loan
Patrons are responsible for all materials checked out from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan and will be fined a replacement cost for lost books. After Odum library receives and pays an invoice to the lending library for lost books, Odum library will place a Banner hold for the replacement cost on the patron’s account as well as adding the replacement cost to their library account. Patrons must pay the replacement costs of lost ILL books to clear their Banner hold and library account.
New Media Center
Items checked out from New Media Center fall under a separate policy. New Media Center’s Late Fee and Return Policy.
Contact the Main Circulation Desk for further assistance, 229-333-5869.
Lending Services
- 1500 N. Patterson St. 麻豆社, Georgia 31698
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA 31698 - Phone
- Phone: 229.333.5869
- Circ II
- Phone: 229.259.7750
Sun: 12 pm - 10 pm
Mon-Thu: 7 am - 10 pm
Fri: 7 am - 8 pm