Bylaws of the Faculty Senate
As adopted January 23, 1992; amended May 1992, April 1993, April 1995, June 1995, September 1995, March 1999, October 1999, November 2002, October 2005, April 2008, February 2012, November 2013, March 2014, May 2015, April 2017, March 2023.
- Faculty Senate
- Membership
- Terms of Service
- Election of Senators
- Officers of the Senate
- Executive Committee Membership
- Committee on Committees
- Meetings of the Faculty Senate
- Conduct of Faculty Senate Meetings
- Voting Procedure
- Committees
- Committee Responsibilities
- Committee Meetings
- Overlap or Duplication
- Membership of Committees
- Special Committees
- Appointment and Election to Committees
- Procedures for All Committees
- Amendments
- Bylaws
Article I. Faculty Senate
- Voting Members
- Voting members of the Faculty Senate consist of Elected Senators.
- All members of the Faculty who hold the academic rank of lecturer, senior lecturer, principal lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor (except those just finishing their second consecutive elected term) are eligible for election to the Senate from the unit in which they hold faculty status.
- The President of the University, Vice Presidents, Academic Deans, and Department Heads (who hold voting status on the Council of Department Heads) are not eligible for election to the Senate.
- Faculty holding part-time, temporary appointments, or honorary titles are not eligible for election to the Senate.
- Non-Voting Members
- The Chairperson of the Council on Staff Affairs serves a one-year term as a non-voting participant.
- The President of the Student Government Association and one other student appointed by the Student Government Association serve one-year terms as non-voting participants.
- The VSU Retiree Association will appoint one person to serve a one-year term as a non-voting participant.
- The term of an Elected Senator is three years.
- Elected Senators cannot serve more than two successive full terms.
- Terms of service on the Faculty Senate begin on August 1 and end on July 31.
- A person filling an unexpired term is eligible for election to two successive full terms.
- Terms of Elected Senators are staggered in a manner determined by the Committee on Committees so that approximately one-third of the Elected Senators are replaced each year.
- Election Procedures
- On or before November 1, the Committee on Committees will notify the University Units of the need to elect persons to fill elected Faculty Senate vacancies of elected Senators.
- The Committee on Committees will provide each Unit with a list of vacancies and an election guide.
- The Unit Dean, Director, or Head may delegate the administration of the Unit election to an appointee.
- Elections must be completed by February 1.
- Units will conduct elections electronically in accordance with the election guide.
- The names of the newly Elected Senators will be forwarded by the Deans, Directors, or Heads of the Units to the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees by February 1.
- Proxies will be permitted for the duration of such elections, provided that the faculty member is absent for extended illness or university-related business and that the faculty member submits the proxy in writing to the Dean, Director, Head, or the delegated appointee before the start of such elections.
- No faculty member may hold more than one proxy for another faculty member.
- On or before November 1, the Committee on Committees will notify the University Units of the need to elect persons to fill elected Faculty Senate vacancies of elected Senators.
- Election Certification
- The Committee on Committees will certify the election of each Senator Elect by verifying faculty status, rank eligibility, and reviewing vote count and proxies.
- Unless an error is found in the count that would change the outcome of the election, the Committee on Committees will certify the election no later than April 1.
- The Committee on Committees will certify the election of each Senator Elect and prepare a Faculty Senate roster and committee assignments for the President of the Faculty Senate and submit it no later than May
- This roster will be posted on the Faculty Senate website for the upcoming year.
- Election Challenges
- Procedural challenges to elections should be made by March 1 to the chair of the Grievance Committee, who will inform the chair of the Committee on Committees.
- If a challenge is filed with the Grievance Committee, the person elected during the challenged election serves until the matter is resolved by the Grievance Committee.
- If a new election is necessary, the Grievance Committee chair notifies the chair of the Committee on Committees, who notifies the Unit.
- The Committee on Committees will supervise the new election if requested by the Grievance Committee.
- Special Elections for Unfulfilled Terms
- If an Elected Senator is unable to complete the term of office, these procedures are to be observed.
- The Elected Senator will inform the President of the Faculty Senate in writing no later than fourteen days before the effective date of resignation.
- Within five working days of receiving the letter of resignation, the President will ask the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees to call for a special election in the resigning Elected Senator's Unit.
- Within five working days of receiving the request from the President for a special election, the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees will request the Dean, Director, or Head of the Unit to schedule an election to fill the unexpired term.
- The Unit will give ten days advanced notice of the election to Unit faculty.
- Attendance
- Elected Faculty Senate members are to attend all Faculty Senate meetings.
- Faculty senators must attend a minimum of four meetings per year.
- Two absences by a member of the Faculty Senate from Senate meetings within one academic year shall automatically remove the member from the Senate.
- A member of the Faculty Senate who duly designates a proxy for a Senate meeting shall not be counted as absent if the proxy attends the meeting.
- Faculty senators on a leave of absence beyond one semester will be removed from their position.
- Special Elections for Removal from Term in Office
- If an Elected Senator is removed from the term of office, these procedures are to be observed.
- The Elected Senator will be informed in writing by the President of the Faculty Senate no later than seven days before the effective date of removal and no later than seven days after the final absence.
- Within five working days of sending the notice of removal, the President will ask the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees to call for a special election in the removed Elected Senator's Unit.
- Within five working days of receiving the request from the President for a special election, the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees will request the Dean, Director, or Head of the Unit schedule an election to fill the unexpired term.
- The Unit will give ten days advanced notice of the election to Unit faculty.
- Except for the President, a person elected to fill an unexpired term will complete the remaining term of the Senator being replaced and will assume all the senatorial responsibilities of that person.
- All senators will be appointed and serve as a faculty senate representative on a committee.
- President and Vice President/President-Elect
- No later than the last regular meeting of the Senate in the spring semester, the Senate shall elect a Vice President/President-Elect to a three-year term by a majority vote of those present.
- In the event of a Senator’s election to this role, the Senator shall fulfill this term without regard to the length of time remaining in the Senator’s elected term.
- If the Senate term expires while serving as an officer of the Senate, the Senator’s seat will be filled by routine election as in Article I, Section 3 of these bylaws.
- In the event of a Senator’s election to this role, the Senator shall fulfill this term without regard to the length of time remaining in the Senator’s elected term.
- The Vice President/President-Elect will serve the first year in this role beginning in the fall semester following election.
- In the absence of the President, the Vice President/President-Elect will assume the duties of President and presiding officer.
- The Vice President/President-Elect makes reports of all actions taken by the Senate.
- These reports are submitted to the President of the University and submitted to the General Faculty at its bi-annual meeting.
- The Vice President/President-Elect arranges for meetings of the Senate and coordinates and manages all details related to the meetings.
- The Vice President/President-Elect will send via email notice of the regular Senate meetings and distribute to the Senators and General Faculty the agenda and accompanying documentation no less than one week before the scheduled meeting.
- If the office of the Vice President/President-Elect becomes vacant, a special election will be conducted by the Senate to fill the office.
- An announcement of the special election will be made at the next regular Senate meeting after the office becomes vacant.
- The special election will be held at the second regular Senate meeting after the office becomes vacant.
- The second year will be served as President.
- The President shall be the presiding officer of the Senate.
- The presiding officer shall conduct meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order and may vote only to break a tie.
- In the President’s absence, the Vice President/President-Elect shall preside.
- The President chairs the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.
- The President writes the Senate annual report.
- The President will submit the annual report to the General Faculty and the President of the University on or before July 1 of each year.
- If the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President/President-Elect will assume the office of President.
- The President shall be the presiding officer of the Senate.
- The third year will be served as Immediate Past President.
- No later than the last regular meeting of the Senate in the spring semester, the Senate shall elect a Vice President/President-Elect to a three-year term by a majority vote of those present.
- Secretary
- No later than the last regular meeting of the Senate in the spring semester, the Senate shall elect a Secretary by a majority vote of those present.
- The Secretary shall serve a one-year term beginning in the fall semester.
- In the event of a Senator’s election to this role, the Senator shall fulfill this term without regard to the length of time remaining in the Senator’s elected term.
- If the Senate term expires while serving as an officer of the Senate, the Senator’s seat will be filled by routine election as in Article I, Section 3 of these bylaws.
- If the office of the Secretary becomes vacant, a special election will be conducted by the Senate to fill the office.
- An announcement of the special election will be made at the next regular Senate meeting after the office becomes vacant.
- The special election will be held at the second regular Senate meeting after the office becomes vacant.
- The Secretary records and reviews detailed minutes of the Senate.
- The Secretary sends copies of the minutes to the President of the University no later than ten days following each Senate meeting.
- The Secretary updates the Faculty Senate web page to ensure that all meeting agendas, minutes, reports, and other correspondence are posted in a timely manner.
- In the event of a Senator’s election to this role, the Senator shall fulfill this term without regard to the length of time remaining in the Senator’s elected term.
- Parliamentarian
- No later than the last regular meeting of the Senate in the spring semester, the Senate shall elect a Parliamentarian by a majority vote of those present.
- The Parliamentarian shall serve a one-year term beginning in the fall semester.
- In the event of a Senator’s election to this role, the Senator shall fulfill this term without regard to the length of time remaining in the Senator’s elected term.
- If the Senate term expires while serving as an officer of the Senate, the Senator’s seat will be filled by routine election as in Article I, Section 3 of these bylaws.
- If the office of the Parliamentarian becomes vacant, a special election will be conducted by the Senate to fill the office.
- An announcement of the special election will be made at the next regular Senate meeting after the office becomes vacant.
- The special election will be held at the second regular Senate meeting after the office becomes vacant.
- In the event of a Senator’s election to this role, the Senator shall fulfill this term without regard to the length of time remaining in the Senator’s elected term.
- The Parliamentarian calls order to and determines the proper application of Robert’s Rules of Order.
- The Executive Committee is composed of the President, the Vice President/President-Elect, the Secretary, the Parliamentarian, and the Immediate Past President.
- The President, Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, and Parliamentarian are voting members of the Executive Committee.
- The Immediate Past President is an ex-officio advisory member of the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee is chaired by the President.
- The President arranges for meetings of the Executive Committee and coordinates and manages all details related to the meetings.
- In the absence of the President, the Vice President/President-Elect will preside.
- Executive Committee members may be exempt from serving on committees in a leadership role, as described in Article II, Section 3, part H of these bylaws.
- The Chair of the Committee on Committees will, at the second Faculty Senate meeting of the spring semester, submit no more than two names for each of the two committee vacancies, and, after other nominations have been called for from the floor, the vote will be taken in accordance with Article I, Section 9 of these Bylaws. Nominations from the floor for a vacancy within a particular unit can be made only by Elected Senators from the unit.
- The persons elected will assume their duties on the following August 1.
- The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate will determine dates and times for Faculty Senate meetings. The dates and times for Faculty Senate meetings for the forthcoming year will be distributed no later than the last spring semester meeting of the Faculty Senate.
- Special meetings of the Faculty Senate may be called by the Executive Committee upon the request of the President of the Faculty Senate or upon the written request of at least 25 percent of the Senators.
- The order of business at Faculty Senate meetings will be as follows:
- Call to Order.
- Approval of Minutes.
- Unfinished Business.
- New Business.
- General Discussion.
- Adjournment.
- Except for special meetings of the Faculty Senate, the following procedures will be used for all reports, recommendations, proposals, and other items submitted to the Faculty Senate for its regularly scheduled meetings.
- Committee reports, recommendations, and proposals must be submitted in writing to the President at least four weeks before the next scheduled meeting of the Faculty Senate.
- Upon receipt of the materials, the President will call a meeting of the Executive Committee for the purpose of setting the agenda for the next scheduled meeting of the Faculty Senate.
- Debate on any one question will be limited to 30 minutes.
- During General Discussion, any Senator may bring an issue to the floor for Faculty Senate consideration using the following guidelines:
- With approval by a majority vote of the Faculty Senate, a member of the General Faculty, student body, staff, or administration will be allowed to speak before the Faculty Senate for a specific purpose for no more than five minutes.
- Except for proposals contained in the report from the Academic Committee, the Faculty Senate may amend any recommendation or proposal from the floor.
- The report from the Academic Committee will be voted on in its entirety by the Faculty Senate. However, any Senator may request that a specific proposal be detached from the report for individual consideration.
- If a vote is taken on a question and the vote passes the Faculty Senate, the Senate President will send the decision within five days of passage to the President of the University for approval. A minority report may be filed by a Senator who does not vote with the majority. The President of the University will inform the Executive Committee of the action taken on the matter within 30 days of receiving the Faculty Senate's recommendation.
- If a vote is not taken on a question, it will be held over to the next scheduled meeting or remanded to the appropriate committee for consideration.
- If a question does not receive a favorable vote from the Faculty Senate, it will be dropped until resubmitted.
- A complete and permanent set of minutes for each Faculty Senate meeting will be kept by the President.
- A copy of the Faculty Senate minutes will be sent to members of the faculty and the President of the University no later than ten working days after the Faculty Senate meeting.
- The Secretary will record minutes and will make a copy of the Senate minutes available on the Faculty Senate webpage within ten working days after the Faculty Senate meeting. By the end of the summer semester, the minutes, together with all other documents, will be made available on the Faculty Senate webpage.
- Voting will be conducted by a show of hands unless otherwise ordered by the Senate.
- Voting for the election of the Faculty Senate officers and members for the Committee on Committees, however, will be conducted by secret vote.
- Any Senator may request a secret vote on any issue.
- Proxies will be allowed for Senators who are unable to attend Faculty Senate meetings and will be given only to another Senator. Proxies must register with the President prior to the meeting. No person may represent more than one other Senator at a meeting.
Article II. Committees
- The committees, in their respective jurisdictions, are empowered by the Bylaws of the Senate to:
- Formulate and recommend policies and procedures governing the administration of the University for approval by the Senate;
- Be available to consult with and advise the President of the University;
- Study and make recommendations on matters assigned to them by the President of the University or the Senate; and
- Act as a liaison between the Senate and the administrative officers of the University.
- Decisions made by all committees are recommendations to the Senate and require formal Senate response. Exceptions must be specified by the Statutes of the University or Bylaws of the Senate.
- All committees, except for the Grievance Committee, will meet at least twice a semester during the academic year and at least once during the summer, if necessary.
- The Committee on Committees will review all Committees annually to determine whether overlap or duplication exists among the committees and will report to the Faculty Senate at its last meeting of the spring semester.
- General faculty from each College of the University and Odum Library will fill 12 positions on each committee so that, wherever possible, each school of the University and the Odum Library is proportionally represented. If enough members from one college or unit are unavailable, additional members from another college or unit may be appointed.
- No fewer than one student recommended by the President of the SGA will sit on each committee.
- No fewer than two Senators selected by the Committee on Committees will sit on each committee.
- One Council of Staff Affairs (COSA) member recommended by the President of COSA will sit on each committee. The COSA members of Committees are considered voting members.
- Terms of committee members will be staggered.
- Membership of Committees may include persons appointed by the Committee on Committees in ex officio capacity, maintaining an appropriate balance to meet the overall goals of Faculty Senate.
- As soon as all committee vacancies are filled, the Committee on Committees will prepare a membership list of Committees for inclusion in the Faculty Handbook for the coming year.
- Committee chairpersons and chairpersons elect must be Elected Senators and are to be selected by the Committee on Committees for a term of one year, except as provided elsewhere in these Bylaws. The terms of the chairpersons may be renewed.
- Committees may create subcommittees, which may include non-committee personnel. The Committee on Committees
- Committees and Their Responsibilities.
- Permanent Committees require a two-thirds majority vote of the full Faculty Senate to add new Permanent Committees or change any component including, but not limited to responsibilities, membership, or dissolution.
- Committee on Committees: nominates for Senate approval the membership for all existing committees of the Senate, unless such membership is elected by the General Faculty or Senate; oversees the election of members to the Senate; oversees the election of members to committees; advises on appointments for membership on University-wide special committees; and fills any vacancy in a committee during the academic year. A replacement must be from the same unit as the person being replaced.
- Membership of the Committees on Committees is composed of seven elected senators: six elected by the senate to represent each of the undergraduate colleges and Odum Library.
- The terms of the committee membership are for three years. The terms of the Elected Senators are staggered by the Committee on Committees so that one-third of the Elected Senators is replaced each year.
- The committee annually appoints one of its Elected Senators as Chairperson.
- Academic Committee: approves, disapproves, or remands to the originating unit any proposals and recommended changes related to the educational philosophy, academic mission, and educational enterprise of the University; approves, disapproves, or remands to the originating unit any recommended curricular proposals; and approves, disapproves, or remands to the originating unit any proposals and recommended changes in the policies and procedures pertaining to the academic programs of the University.
- The membership of the Academic Committee is composed of: the Vice President for Academic Affairs, or an officially appointed designee, who serves as Chairperson; the Registrar, who acts as a non-voting secretary and adviser; seven Elected Senators appointed by the Committee on Committees—one appointed from each of the undergraduate colleges and one appointed to represent the Graduate School; and twelve members of the General Faculty—two elected by the General Faculty of each undergraduate college and one elected by the General Faculty of the Odum Library.
- The terms of the elected and appointed committee membership are for three years. The terms are staggered by the Committee on Committees so that one-third of the Elected Senators is replaced each year.
- The duties of the Chairperson include: ensuring that all proposal presented for the Academic Committee’s consideration are in accordance with existing policies and procedures; and convening and presiding over the meetings of the Academic Committee.
- The Academic Committee is not empowered to make any substantive changes in a curriculum proposal. If changes are suggested, the proposal will be remanded to the originating unit for further consideration and resubmission.
- All approved proposals will be included in the Committee’s report to the Senate. A proposal, however, may be appealed to the Senate after the Academic Committee has disapproved it at two monthly meetings, whether consecutive or not.
- When voting on the Academic Committee’s report, the Senate is not empowered to make any substantive changes in a curriculum proposal.
- The Faculty Grievance Committee has the authority to conduct inquiries into grievances by faculty who have exhausted the University’s appellate channels from the department to the college, school or division, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs; to attempt the resolution of those grievances by mediation; and to present to the President its recommendations for appropriate response to the grievances it has considered.
- The Faculty Grievance Committee will not consider grievances involving promotion, salary, non-renewal of contracts, or tenure unless the aggrieved faculty member reasonably alleges violation of University Statutes, academic freedom, administrative processes or procedures, or discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, handicap, or age.
- The membership of the Faculty Grievance Committee is composed of: one tenured Elected Senator appointed for a one-year term as Chairperson by the Committee on Committees; and fourteen tenured members of the General Faculty—one elected by the General Faculty of each undergraduate college, one elected by the General Faculty of Odum Library, and eight elected at large by the General Faculty of the University.
- The terms of elected committee membership are for three years. The terms are staggered by the Committee on Committees so that one-third of the membership is replaced each year.
- Faculty Affairs Committee: reviews policies and makes recommendations pertaining to faculty welfare matters; reviews policies and makes recommendations pertaining to the teaching, learning, and research environment of the University; and reviews policies and makes recommendations pertaining to general University matters affecting the educational mission.
- The membership of the Faculty Affairs Committee is composed of: three (3) Elected Senators appointed by the Committee on Committees with no more than one Senator from any one undergraduate college or Odum Library (the Committee on Committees appoints one of these Senators as Chairperson) and six members of the General Faculty—one elected by the General Faculty of each undergraduate college, and one elected by Odum Library. None of the faculty elected may be Senators.
- The terms of elected and appointed committee membership are for three years. The terms are staggered by the Committee on Committees so that one-third of the membership is replaced each year.
- Academic Scheduling and Procedures Committee: to review and recommend policies and procedures pertinent to the University calendar, class scheduling, final examination scheduling, University catalogs and bulletins, Honors Day, and commencement.
- Committee on Committees: nominates for Senate approval the membership for all existing committees of the Senate, unless such membership is elected by the General Faculty or Senate; oversees the election of members to the Senate; oversees the election of members to committees; advises on appointments for membership on University-wide special committees; and fills any vacancy in a committee during the academic year. A replacement must be from the same unit as the person being replaced.
- Standing Committees require a fifty percent plus one majority vote of the full Faculty Senate to add new Standing Committees or change any component including, but not limited to responsibilities, membership, or dissolution.
- Athletic Committee: to review and recommend policies and procedures pertinent to University intercollegiate athletics.
- Educational Policies Committee: to review and recommend policies and procedures pertinent to advising, undergraduate admissions and retention, public services, and registration; and to hear undergraduate petitions for exceptions to academic policy, including graduation.
- Faculty Scholarship Committee: to review and recommend policies and procedures pertinent to both graduate and undergraduate faculty development, research, and the use of animal and human research subjects; to receive and review research and development proposals; and to allocate research and development funds.
- Library Affairs Committee: to review and recommend policies and procedures pertinent to the Odum Library and its use, and to review and make recommendations related to library allocations.
- Diversity and Equity Committee: to review and recommend policies and procedures pertinent to ethnic, religious, and gender minorities; and to review and recommend policies and procedures pertinent to quality support programs for students with special needs including, but not limited to, those with physical impairments, behavior disorders, and learning disabilities.
- Student Affairs Committee: to review and recommend policies and procedures pertinent to such student services as financial aid, housing, health services, counseling services, mail services, and food services; as well as student communications and affairs, in general.
- Environmental Issues Committee: to review and recommend policies and procedures pertinent to environmental issues, as they relate to recycling, facilities use, campus beautification, and traffic planning.
- Academic Honors and Scholarship Committee: to review and recommend college wide scholarships and honors for students and to arrange for appropriate presentations, including Honors' Day.
- Technology Committee: to develop and review policies and procedures relating to technology issues and to interface with other committees when such issues overlap their charge.
- Internationalization and Globalization Committee: to initiate, develop and review policies and procedures to strengthen the institution’s internationalization and globalization efforts, interacting with other committees when such issues overlap their charge.
- Permanent Committees require a two-thirds majority vote of the full Faculty Senate to add new Permanent Committees or change any component including, but not limited to responsibilities, membership, or dissolution.
- The Faculty Senate may create Special Committees of the Faculty Senate to deal with matters not within the jurisdiction of an existing Committee of the Faculty Senate.
- Any member of the Faculty Senate, General Faculty, classified staff, administration, or student body may request in writing to the President the creation of a Special Committee.
- The President will place the request for a Special Committee on the agenda of the next Faculty Senate meeting.
- Upon Faculty Senate approval of the request, the President will instruct the Committee on Committees to create a Special Committee in accordance with whatever guidelines the Faculty Senate may establish.
- Special Committees will operate for no longer than one academic year unless the Faculty Senate renews the mandate of the Special Committee.
- Terms of appointed and elected Committee members are three years.
- Terms of committee members and chairpersons begin on August 1 and end on July 31.
- The terms are staggered by the Committee on Committees in a manner so that approximately one third of the appointed and elected membership is replaced each year.
- On or before April 10 the Committee on Committees will notify the Student Government Association (SGA) of the number of student vacancies on Committees. The list of student appointments must be submitted to the Committee on Committees no later than three business days after the April SGA meeting.
- During spring semester, the Committee on Committees will request members of the faculty and classified staff to indicate the Committees on which they wish to serve. The Committee on Committees will make the necessary appointments to fill vacancies.
- On or before November 1, the Committee on Committees will notify the University units of the need to elect representatives to fill Committee vacancies. Elections must take place before January 15.
- No later than midterm of spring semester, the Committee on Committees will distribute the names of the tenured faculty. The faculty will vote to fill the vacancies on the Grievance Committee. Those faculty receiving the largest number of votes will be elected. Prior to this election, the Committee on Committees will have appointed and announced the Grievance Committee Chair.
- Senators will be eligible for election.
- Serving faculty may be reelected.
- A member of a committee who finds it necessary to resign must provide the committee chairperson written notification no less than seven days in advance of the effective date of resignation. Within seven days of notification, the chairperson will notify the Committee on Committees of the resignation.
- The Committee on Committees will appoint replacements to fulfill appointed terms of committee membership.
- Within five working days of notification, the Committee on Committees will notify the appropriate University unit of the need to schedule a special election for a replacement to fulfill an elected term of office. The appropriate University unit will be notified no less than ten days in advance of the scheduled election.
- On or before October 1, all Committees will discharge the following responsibilities.
- They will set the schedule of their regular meetings and so inform the Committee on Committees. The schedule of committee meetings is published by the Committee on Committees and inserted in the Faculty Handbook.
- They will submit to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate a report containing an assessment of their charge and the goals they wish to achieve in the coming year.
- They will submit written rules governing their procedures to the President of the Faculty Senate and the Secretary who will ensure they are placed on the Faculty Senate Webpage.
- Except for the Grievance Committee, all proposals, recommendations, reports, and any other material presented for a committee's consideration must be submitted to the committee's chairperson in accordance with the committee's written procedures.
- Except in the case of executive sessions of the Grievance Committee and its Hearing Panels, all committee meetings are open.
- Each committee will decide whether or not guests of the committee will be heard and under what conditions.
- Committees will keep substantive minutes or recordings of their deliberations. Copies of committee minutes or recordings, reports, proposals, recommendations, and all other documents are to be downloaded on the Faculty Senate webpage no later than two weeks after a committee meeting.
- Each committee will prepare an annual report and submit it to the President of the Faculty Senate on or before April 30.
Article III. Amendments
- A Senator must send a copy of the proposed amendment to the President of the Faculty Senate one month before the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate.
- The President of the Faculty Senate will send a copy of the proposed amendment to each Senator no less than one week before the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate.
- At the next regular meeting, the President of the Faculty Senate will read the proposal and call for preliminary debate limited to ten minutes for all proponents and ten minutes for all opponents.
- Ratification by the Faculty Senate requires an absolute majority.
Faculty Senate
- 1500 N. Patterson Street 麻豆社, Georgia 31698
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