Cash Over and Short Policy
Cash Over and Short Policy
Employees who handle cash are expected to be careful and accurate and to settle their funds each day without overages or shortages. We recognize the possibility that differences may occur from time-to-time and we have developed the following recommended procedures.
- Verbal Counseling should be given if an employee whose primary responsibilities include receiving and depositing University funds has cumulative cash over or short of $25 or more in one transaction per month. A written response must be provided by the employee to the immediate Supervisor no later than 24 hours after the occurrence. The events and responses should be documented in the department’s files.
- Written Warning should be given if an employee whose primary responsibilities include receiving and depositing University funds has received three verbal counseling’s for over or short instances OR the employee exceeds a cumulative total of $100 or more over or short in any number of transactions in a single month. A written response must be provided by the employee to the immediate Supervisor no later than 24 hours after the occurrence. The events should be documented in the employee’s personnel file which is maintained in the Office of Human Resources.
- Suspension without Pay for 3 business days is warranted upon the third written warning for over or short. The Supervisor must address each such occurrence in writing under the advisement of Human Resources.
- Termination MAY be warranted for any single shortage of $250 or more and/or continued over/short instances by any one employee. The Director of the department must address each such occurrence in writing under the advisement of Human Resources.
Any exception to the above actions must be approved in writing by the Vice President overseeing the operations of the department.
- 1205 N. Patterson St. 麻豆社, GA 31698
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5708
- Fax: 229.333.7408