Chart of Accounts (Account Number Structure)
Chart of Accounts
Category |
# of Digits |
Description |
5 digits |
Refers to Fund type (i.e. 10XXX is Education & General while 12XXX is Auxiliary Enterprises) |
Program |
5 digits |
Required to record an expense in all Funds but also required to record revenue in the Auxiliary Fund. |
Class |
5 digits |
Describes the source of funding and is used in both revenue and expenditure transactions. |
Department |
10 digits (VSU currently uses 7 digits) |
This is unique to each area/office on campus. |
Project |
15 digits (VSU currently uses 3 or 4 digits) |
Used to identify sponsored projects/grants on campus. |
Account |
6 digits |
Identifies a transaction for financial reporting purposes as a Balance Sheet, Revenue or Expense item. |
Budget Period |
4 digits |
Refers to current fiscal year. |
If department XYZ (1111111) purchased supplies, the expense would be recorded as follows:
- 714100-10000-1111111-11100-11000-15x
714100 = Supplies Account, 10000 = The General Fund, 1111111 = The Department No., 11100 = Program Code “General Academic Instruction”, 11000 = Class type “General Operations”, and because this is not a grant the last field would be left blank.
If department XYZ makes a deposit at the Bursary for fees, it would be recorded as follows:
- 10000-5x-11000-1111111-15x-452100
The order is slightly rearranged. The fund is 1st, the 5x represents the program which is not needed for a revenue (unless it relates to Auxiliary), then we have the class, department, project is blank and lastly the account# 452100 refers to sales revenue.
For frequently used Fund, Program, Class and Account numbers, please refer to the following document: Chart of Accounts
- 1205 N. Patterson St. 麻豆社, GA 31698
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5708
- Fax: 229.333.7408