Vehicle Acquisition
State Policy requires that the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) Office for Fleet Management (OFM) and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget (OPB) approve all vehicle acquisitions for over-the-road use. Over-the-road vehicles may be procured by:
- Purchase
- Lease, long term rental (over 60 months),
- Donations, and
- Surplus from State or Federal inventory
*Off road vehicles such as mowers, tractors, and golf carts do not require Fleet Services approval.
The Fleet Coordinator may submit a request to acquire a vehicle when either of the following conditions exists:
- A vehicle may be identified as at the end of its useful life and will be replaced with a similar vehicle;
- An operational situation for a department changes (e.g. growth in enrollment requires another van for classes to travel to field work, additional services are being added which require a vehicle).
Vehicle Request - Replacement of Existing Vehicle
The department shall submit a vehicle request to the Fleet Coordinator. Request for replacement of an existing vehicle must include:
- Repair cost history for the past 24 months
- Repair cost estimate to make the vehicle road worthy
- Fair market value ( or
- Odometer reading
- Annual mileage forecast for new vehicle
- Specification and price for new vehicle
- Budget account and availability of funds.
Vehicle requests will be reviewed by the Fleet Committee to determine if existing vehicle will be re-assigned to another department or classified as surplus.
Vehicle Request - New
The department shall submit a vehicle request for a new vehicle to the Fleet Coordinator. Request for a new vehicle must include:
- Conditions that have changed that justify the need
- Annual mileage forecast for new vehicle
- Specifications and price for new vehicle
- Budget account and availability of funds
Motor Vehicle Fleet Management
University Center Entrance # 5
1500 N. Patterson St. 麻豆社, Georgia 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5708
- Fax: 229.333.7408
M-TH 8am - 5:30pm and Friday 8am-3pm.