Credentials and Primary Research and Clinical Interests of Full Time Faculty
1. Lois Bellflowers, EdD, M.S.N., R.N. – Maternal-Child health; Community health;
Teaching and learning strategies; Simulation learning; Women’s health
issues; Childhood/Adolescent obesity; Childhood/Adolescent health
2. S. Michele Blankenship, RN-BC, M.S.N. – Admission and retention of
nursing students; Improving outcomes for patients with chronic medical
disease processes, as well as acute orthopedic and neurological events;
Preventing and improving hospital-acquired pressure ulcers; Care of
patients with ostomies; Health disparities (working with uninsured
5. Chuck Conner, M.A., LAT, ATC - Consistent and practical application of
various therapeutic exercise and therapeutic modality protocols;
Understanding the actual and perceived issues between didactic/
laboratory instruction and learning and clinical education application and
7. Angela Felkins, M.S.N, RN
8. Heidi Gonzalez, M.S.N., RN, CNL, CCRN – Critical care nursing, primarily
cardiovascular disorders; Surgical and postoperative nursing with focus
on SSI prevention; Hospice; Pedagogy strategies (coaching, reflection,
and clinical imagination to prepare students for unfolding clinical
situations); Clinical nurse leader role, particularly “nurturing our young”
into motivating, effective leaders
10. Russ Hoff, M.S., ATC, LAT - Evaluation of orthopedic and athletic injuries;
State Practice Act in athletic training; Concussion management; Policy
and procedure development for athletic health care programs; Lightning
and severe weather protocols for athletic venues; Clinical education of
athletic training students
11. Kynthia Smith, M.S.N., R.N., CNL – Student retention; Increasing critical
thinking skills; Strategies to reduce medication error and increase patient
safety; Critical care nursing; Use of simulation to increase critical thinking
skills; Concept mapping
12. Dr. Dee Ott, D.N.P., APRN, FNP-C – Neurological practice; Fall prevention
education in the community dwelling population
13. Dr. James C. Pace, PhD, MDiv, APRN, FAANP, FAAN - Palliative and hospice (end-of-life) care;
Spiritual and religious practices that promote health and add meaning and purpose to life
15. Dr. Michelle Ritter, D.N.P., APRN-BC, FNP – Adolescent pregnancy;
HealthCare of Hispanic and Migrant populations; Sexually Transmitted Diseases
(Cervical cancer and HPV); Autism and Immunizations
16. Denise Sauls, R.N., M.Ed., M.S.N. - The impact of moral distress
experienced by nurses; Preventing medication errors; Academic
dishonesty among students in nursing education programs; Simulation in
nursing education; Relationship between admission criteria and
successful completion of nursing education program; Gerontology issues
17. Stacey D. Walters, M.A.T., ATC, LAT, RN - Video assessment of clinical
skills in athletic training education; Teaching and education strategies in
athletic training programs; Testing strategies for improving critical
thinking; Simulation learning; Emergency care topics in athletic training;
General medical conditions in athletic training; Prevention of injuries in
athletic training
18. Dameka Wilson-Vickers, M.S.N./Ed., RN
Updated 9/2023
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Health Sciences and Business Administration Building
2525 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, Georgia 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5959
- Fax: 229.333.7300
- Monday-Thursday
8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.