WebCAPE Placement Test
The Role of Foreign Language in Enhancing Career Paths in the Twenty-First Century
Students in every chosen major can benefit professionally as well as financially by majoring in a foreign language or by adding a foreign language sequence or minor to their undergraduate degree (see especially our Certificate in Spanish for Professionals). Corporate and medical employers, for instance, need professionals who can think globally to meet the needs of clients and patients from all over the world. Those aspiring to enter the fields of legal studies, public or government service, or criminal justice will find extra salary incentives and early promotion opportunities available to employees who can work knowledgeably and effectively in our multicultural nation. The study of foreign languages allows for a more sophisticated understanding of the country and world in which we live and work. Language study creates better informed citizens.
- Foreign Language Placement
- The WebCAPE Placement Test
- CLEP Exam
- Take the WebCAPE
- WebCAPE Score Placement
Foreign Language Placement
Any student may choose to enter a foreign language (FL) at the 1001-level at any time, and those with a language requirement prescribed in their major may use FL 1001 to satisfy that sequence. Students who have had a foreign language in high school will find FL 1001 repetitive and even perhaps without challenge because it will repeat introductory material that the student has already grasped.
Therefore, it is the expectation that students continuing in their language of choice from high school or those with prior language learning or heritage speakers will take the WebCAPE Placement test to determine the most accurate and comfortable level of foreign language at which to begin. Remember, the more foreign language you take, the greater the enhancement of your career prospects and language arts skills, even in English, because taking a foreign language also strengthens your writing and vocabulary skills in English.
Reasons to take the Placement Test early:
- All BA degrees carry a foreign language requirement. It is best to take care of this requirement sooner rather than later so you are not worrying about the language requirement in your last semesters. This could endanger your likelihood of graduating in a timely manner.
- By placing into the level appropriate to your abilities, you will avoid taking (and paying for) credits that are not necessary for you to enroll in should you decide to declare a major or minor in foreign languages.
- If you think about foreign languages early in your time at VSU, you can maximize your electives to get a minor in a foreign language. A minor in a foreign language complements a major in any discipline, be it social sciences, natural sciences, business, medicine, law or humanities. And, a minor in a language will make you more competitive when you are looking for a job after graduation.
The WebCAPE Placement Test
This test is currently available for Chinese, French, German, Russian, and Spanish. It is offered online and may be taken at any computer with an internet connection, including your home computer. It is an adaptive test, meaning that the questions are staged to get progressively more difficult as you demonstrate various skills. It can take from five to twenty minutes to complete. Your results are given to you at the end of the test. At this point, you may simply print or screenshot those results and bring/send them to your adviser to be used in determining your class schedule.
The WebCAPE Placement Exam does not give course credits. If your language proficiency is elevated and you want credit for the courses, you may wish to take the CLEP Exam to obtain credits for beginning and intermediate foreign language courses (12 hours). You can sign up and take the exam in person at the Office of Testing on VSU's campus after registering for CLEP through the CollegeBoard website. If you are an online only student, the CollegeBoard CLEP website will be able to assist you in finding a testing location near you.
Take the WebCAPE
Students may take the exam from any computer with internet access and a browser. Each test takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. No outside materials may be used during the exam.
Please fill out a WebCAPE Placement Exam Request Form if you need to take the exam. You will receive an email with a link to the exam.
For placement in other languages, including Latin and Arabic, and for more information about the exciting service learning and extracurricular activities in foreign languages, please contact the Department of Modern and Classical Languages, at 229-333-5948 or email Ms. Sam Powell-Timberlake at sjpowell@valdosta.edu.
WebCAPE Score Placement
Spanish Course Placement | Score |
SPAN 1001 | 0-99 |
SPAN 1002 | 100-199 |
SPAN 2001 | 200-299 |
SPAN 2002 | 300-349 |
SPAN 3000+ | 350+ |
French Course Placement | Score |
FREN 1001 | 0-99 |
FREN 1002 | 100-199 |
FREN 2001 | 200-299 |
FREN 2002 | 300-349 |
FREN 3000+ | 350+ |
German Course Placement | Score |
GRMN 1001 | 0-99 |
GRMN 1002 | 100-199 |
GRMN 2001 | 200-299 |
GRMN 2002 | 300-349 |
GRMN 3000+ | 350+ |
Russian Course Placement | Score |
RUSS 1001* | 0-99 |
RUSS 1002* | 100-199 |
RUSS 2001* | 200-299 |
RUSS 2002* | 300+ |
*Russian courses may be listed as INTL 3170 in Banner and the Course Catalog
Chinese Course Placement | Score |
Chinese 1001* | 0-99 |
Chinese 1002* | 100-199 |
Chinese 2001* | 200-299 |
Chinese 2002* | 300+ |
*Chinese courses may be listed as INTL 3170 in Banner and the Course Catalog
Modern and Classical Languages
1306 West Hall
Email Address
mclalias@valdosta.edu -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5948
- Fax: 229.333.7416
Monday to Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.