Directed Study Guidelines
Eligibility Guidelines and Procedures CRJU 4900 Directed Independent Study
1. An overall GPA of at least 3.00 is required.
2. Junior standing or graduate student status is required.
3. The ability to meet in person and/or electronically with the faculty member at least once every two weeks is required.
4. Application (see below) must be made at least two weeks before the end of the prior semester (e.g. if you want a directed study for spring semester, you must apply two weeks before the end of the fall semester).
5. CRJU 4900/7900 Directed Study will not be offered in lieu of or as a substitute for any regularly scheduled course.
1. Decide what topic you wish to study, which professor you wish to study with, and make an appointment to discuss the matter.
2. At least two weeks before the end of the prior semester, submit a written request to the chosen faculty member to be enrolled in CRJU 4900/7900. The format for the written request is as follows:
A. Title page to include the topic you wish to study, your name, student number, and contact information.
B. A two-page (minimum) discussion of the subject or topic you wish to study. This discussion must be written in APA style and include a minimum of six scholarly references.
C. A one-page (minimum) discussion of why you want to study this topic.
D. A reference page (APA style) listing the six or more scholarly references.
3. Submit your written request to the professor (in person or electronically)and request an appointment to discuss the request in person or electronically.
4. If the professor approves the request, he or she will provide you with a written contract and ensure your enrollment in CRJU 4900/7900.
Criminal Justice
- Nevins Hall, Room 1004 1500 N. Patterson St. 麻豆社, Georgia 31698
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
麻豆社, GA 31698 - Main line
- Phone: 229.333.5943
- Fax
- Fax: 229.333.5492